Mayers Architecture
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Family Housing Family Housing Family Housing
Family Housing Family Housing Family Housing
Senior/Special Needs Housing
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Senior/Special Needs Housing Senior/Special Needs Housing Senior/Special Needs Housing
Senior/Special Needs Housing Senior/Special Needs Housing  
Renovation/Adaptive Re-Use
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Research and Advocacy

In addition to the full spectrum of pre-development and architectural services, Mayers Architecture supports the affordable housing community through research and advocacy.


  • Lobbying Local, State, and Federal Agencies, Commissions, and Legislators in issues affecting affordable housing, including the California TCAC, California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), California Energy Commission (CEC), and HUD. For example, Sierra Meadows was designed under the then-new and completely revised 2007 California Building Code. We realized that the new Code omitted the use of nominal 30” x 60” showers as is allowed under Federal standards (including the Guidelines for the ADA). Larry lobbied HCD to allow their use, and did the paperwork necessary to receive permission from the local jurisdiction. This seemingly modest change saved thousands of dollars in construction costs by allowing us to maintain a modular design for all the unit bathrooms, some of which have the showers and some of which have identically sized tub/showers as required by the Client to serve their senior population.
  • Active participation in East Bay Housing Organizations (EBHO)
  • Presentations at Housing California
  • Letter and Op/Ed Writing

Mayers Architecture is currently working on several issues related to the impact of Code requirements on affordable housing. These include:

Energy Code:  Currently, we are engaged in a lobbying effort related to energy requirements and affordable housing. Please click on the following link to see our current paper on this subject:

Title 24 Paper (PDF)

In working with EBHO committees, Larry realized that there was a disconnect between policy makers and the Building Code when it came to zoning limitations on the heights of buildings. Often, jurisdictions would increase (or decrease) heights arbitrarily, without regard to the cost implications of such a project being built. In such a case, a density bonus for affordable housing might not contribute to the feasibility of the project. MA responded with a simple chart that brings this into focus. This chart is being used as a policy tool by members of EBHO in their negotiations with local jurisdictions. Please click on the link below to see this chart.

Building code height limits (PDF)