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Senior/Special Needs Housing | Villa Serena
  • The courtyard is the center of activity for residents.
  • Stair screens constructed of recycled plastic and wood fiber panels create privacy and interesting accents.
  • Another view of the courtyard.
  • The site plan shows the three buildings, nestled between existing trees. The property was too small and narrow for parking away from the street, so berms and landscaping were added as screens.

"Larry Mayers is an indispensable development team member for projects requiring a focus on tenant needs and support. His concern for those who will reside in his buildings is manifested in design elements that promote safety, security, and quality of life. Larry approaches his architectural responsibilities with creativity and commitment to excellence. As a developer, I have confidence and trust in the final outcome. We are grateful for the opportunity to work with Mayers Architecture and look forward to partnering on future projects."

~ NVCSS Project Manager Bobbi Sawtelle


Working on a minimum budget consisting only of a HUD 811 grant augmented by a small amount of local funds, Villa Serena provides a safe and nurturing environment for persons with developmental disabilities. The project focuses on a central courtyard, with buildings deftly inserted around existing trees, including a mature oak. The buildings are deceptively simple and virtually identical, saving construction costs. The roof forms, created from economical pre-fabricated trusses, allow additional ventilation that works with an integral radiant barrier to keep the buildings cooler. Despite the very low budget, the project is very energy efficient, averaging almost 33% better than Title 24 energy requirements.

Program: 10 units of affordable, independent living for persons with developmental disabilities, with community room, offices, service spaces, and landscaped grounds.
Construction Type: 2 story wood frame on slab-on-grade foundation.
Funding: HUD 811, with some public local funding.
Client: Northern Valley Catholic Social Service.
Completed: June, 2011.
Award: Funding from the California Multifamily New Homes program.